Adults are reddish brown, slender 1/8 inch long; they live approximately 2 to 3 years. Females produce some 300-500 eggs which hatch in 5-12 days. Unable to feed on whole grains, they are found abundantly in flour, dried fruits, nuts, chocolate, spices and drugs.
Slender dark brown and flat, approximately 1/8 inch long. Over a 4 to 5 month period, females deposit 45-285 eggs in the food they are infesting. Adults live 6-10 months, sometimes up to 3 years and can be found in bread, cereals, macaroni, dog food, biscuits, and sugar.
The wings are a burnished copper almost purple with a brown gray band near where they attach to the body. Adults are ½ inch long and females lay 100-400 eggs on their food over an 18 day period. The most common stored product pest, they can be found in homes, food processing plants, and grain storage; feeding on dog food, bird seeds, red peppers, dried fruits, nuts, flour and whole grains.
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